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Buy zopiclone prozac, is "the best medication we have today." He also supports efforts to remove the drug from market, claiming that its use is linked to "an increase in suicide." But in his interview with NPR, Dr. Zoloth makes his case only in the most general of terms, saying that the use of drug appears to "increase the risk of suicidal ideation over the long term." He also says that it may be necessary to include the drug in clinical trials "to increase the success rates." (The pharmaceutical company that owns Zoloth doesn't take a position on its own medication or advocate using it to treat suicidal thoughts.) And for those who think that Zoloth may have contributed to the recent rash of suicides, he says that "there could be a variety of other explanations for a more precipitous increase in suicide." In fact, his own family has suffered. "I'm ashamed of the fact that they are even taking the medicine," says Dr. Zoloth. In another interview with NPR, Dr. Zoloth expressed a similar sentiment: "I know that [prozac] is the best thing you can get." "I can't imagine a better antidepressant," he added. The drug, which was approved by the FDA in Where can i buy clonazepam onlin