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How common is tendon rupture with ciprofloxacin treatment? The short answer is yes, it common. It is also important to note the fact that there are different levels of risk and factors associated with tendon rupture. The most common cause of tendon rupture are: Adhesions, such as tight calf muscle adhesions Tendon rupture in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) Tendon rupture in the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) or other anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear Tendon rupture in the medial collateral ligament (MCL) Tendon rupture in the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) Tendon rupture in the plantar fascia Tendon rupture in the foot bone In rarer cases, some tendon ruptures are due to or muscle spasms that are not related to any known cause. Tendons are tough, fibrous, fibrous tissue. They form a very strong supporting framework for the surrounding tissues to support. If an injury occurs, it can cause the surrounding tissues to stretch and tear as a result of the compression. Tendinitis: Tendinosis and tendon rupture Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendons. It can be due to tendon or muscle spasms. Tendinosis is swelling due to the inflammation. The most common causes of tendonitis: Overuse Excess stretching Muscle imbalance (hypertonus) Excessive amounts of high intensity training (hyperextension) Excessive training, especially in the lower back and upper thighs, can stress the tendons, causing them to rupture. Overuse can also be caused by the stretching of skin that lines the tendons as a result of injuries. In general, overuse of any muscle tissue leads to inflammation of the connective tissue as well surrounding muscles. The inflammation can also spread to the tendon itself. In the case of tendinosis, inflammation leads to swelling. The problem can be alleviated by avoiding injury or treatment. Excessive stretching can lead to stress on the tendons, causing them to tear. Excessive stretching is not as widespread a problem in football as it is other sports. However, still a cause for concern. Symptoms of Tendinosis: A red, tender area on the inside of kneecap (jumper's kneecap). A red, yellow, or purple area located on the inside of knee The tendon has been torn and there is significant swelling Swelling can cause symptoms similar to tendon rupture. In sports where excessive training is involved, the tendons can be stretched very quickly. This is known as overuse. can cause tendon ruptures that are often not noticed until the injury is more extensive. Solutions for Tendinosis Treatment for tendonitis Treatment for tendonitis will depend on the severity of inflammation and length time from the injury. Treatment may include: Rest Ice Anti-inflammatory medication Treatment for tendinosis Symptoms of tendinosis Tendon ruptures can be either acute or chronic, depending on the extent of tendon rupture as well the time elapsed since injury. Chronic tendinopathy Chronic tendon injury occurs if the cannot heal proper