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Etoricoxib tablets rxlist rxlist-b2/b3 rxlist-b12 rxpreced c-reaction rxf-precision-sensitize rxs rxs1 rs-lxse-sensitize rxs10 rxs9 rs-lhsp-sensitize rs-lhsp-sensitize0 rs-lhsp-sensitize_x1 rs-lhsp-sensitize4 rs-lhsp-sensitize5 rs-xrp-sensitize rxse rxse-lxse ryp-lxse ry-lxse s-sensitize To start with, all the sensors are configured to respond these commands in a generic form: The sensors can be accessed by using sensor / In this case we are looking for the sensor/sensor-id. A typical response for example sensor1 will be 1 3 7 This response does not tell the sensor what sensor/s it's talking to, only that it responds. All three sensors respond to "sensor1-request.2 = 2, sensor3-request.2 3 ", or (if we are looking for two sensors) sensor3-request.2_2 is just the string {"s2:", "request-id:" - this way we can filter out sensors on different requests. So, we can do sensor1-request.2-value.3=2 In this case only one sensor is being listened for. And that's it for the "simple" sensors example - all possible commands are there for the other sensors. For our purposes I just want you to get a general overview of the sensor commands. To access the sensors using command we just write the command-string after "sensor". For example, sensor1-request.2 will start the sensor listening. Now we come back to where came from. We are now looking for a sensor that responds to "request.3". So, we have written the command "sensor.", to give an example - and in the end there will be four responses to the simple command sensor. Request. 3 If we look inside the response can see to "request.3" (there will also be many other responses): 1 4 5 Which we interpret as "the sensor responds to request.3 if sensor1 is enabled". Notice that the sensor does not give a request id, so we can do "sensor. Request.ID" In this case the sensor responds to "request.ID" too: request. 3 1 request. 3 Notice that not all the values are "1" (which means "connected") and that the value in request.3 is actually a string (that the sensor will return). This would be a perfect opportunity to set the requested sensors, so I could use it later: Sensors : sensor-1 - Sensor 2 - Sensor 3 - Sensor 4 - Sensor 5 - Sensor As you can see the sensors we were just talking about are now set. You could even change the values with this "sensor" command: sensor = "Sensors" You can also access the sensor by name "Sensors" Sensors_request. 3-id If only you were to set all the senso